The above link will take you to you video clip where a guy waiting to get a pizza is punched out by a gigantic thug. It started with his heathen girlfriend causing trouble in the store. I do not care what started it or why she is screaming at people, this happens all the time around our country. After a short while she calls in her ex convict boyfriend and he does what he does- violence.
The average person does not want violence in their lives as it is against their nature. Some peoples nature is to be violent and it is easy to see that both of these pizza parlor thugs are like that. What does the average person do when violence is thrust upon them? This video clip will show you.
Nothing. Yep nothing. There are seven males standing around while this maniac pummels this one guy. They avoid eye contact with him and pretend nothing is going on. NOTHING!
It is easy for people watching the video clip to say to themselves. "Why dont they help him! I would of done something." Would you? Would you of been the one person to stand up? Would you of faced off with this crazy gigantic maniac and tried to stop him?
When extreme violence happens in the average persons life many things happen to them mentally and physically. This is why the Police and Military train. Col. Dave Grossman explains beautifully what exactly goes on in a persons brain and body when very high stress situations happen to them. Knowing how your body and brain responds goes a long way in training your body and brain to respond like you would want it too.
This scene happens quite often around our country. They all dont make the news unless it is beneficial to the Puppeteers yanking our strings.
I love birds, flowers and butterfly's. I love nice peaceful beautiful things, I always have and always will. I also have seen extreme violence in my world and started training years ago to be able to do something about it IF--- IF--- it was brought into my world. My initial desire to learn the Martial Arts and how to defend myself was from a simple desire not to get beat up. I was raised in Chicago and some people there want to beat you up for any silly ol reason. I thought to myself what if I was walking with my girlfriend and a group of thugs came out and beat me up in front of her and hurt her and there was nothing that I could do about it. The physical pain would be nothing to the pain I would have mentally.
So I started training to prevent that from ever happening. One really never knows when a violent situation will be brought into their lives. When my first two children were very young I was visiting my Mother In Law in Chicago. Next door was a teenage girl who had gang bangers as friends and a boyfriend. Today one was yelling at her very loud and it was looking like he was going to start beating her up. If he did there was no way that I could just watch it and hope that he would stop. I would of gone out there and to the best of my ability made him stop. My wife got so mad at me then. "What if you would of got killed!" "What if they had a knife or gun!" "What about me and the kids!"
I did not want to be in that situation, I did not have a desire to get into a fight with these guys but there was no way that I could not do nothing. It did not get physical so I did not have to do anything but that is not always the case. The above video clip is basically the same situation. Some folk think that if they mind their own business that violence will not come into their lives. Nope. You can be the nicest person ever in the history of the world but sometimes violence is in your face. Ignoring that possibility does not lessen the chances it only keeps you unprepared.
Sometimes the violence is not directed towards you but someone else who cannot defend themselves. The right and honorable thing to do is to help them. What if one guy stood up at this pizza parlor and asked the others to help him. They all could of jumped on this guy and held him down while the police came. One good man can inspiring many other men and women. It would of been better for each of those men to get their a$$ wooped by this guy then to stand there doing nothing.
June 6th, 2015- 5 months from today, Col Dave Grossman will be speaking at the Owensboro Convention Center. The name of the seminar is "When Good Men Do Nothing-"
He is a wonderful speaker and will explain simply what exactly happens to us when we are in very high stress situations. He will show you exactly what the main stream media does not want you to know about - that very violent evil people exist in your world and sometimes they bring that violence to your family. He will show you the agenda for brain washing your kids to accept violence as "OK" He will inspire you with stories of men and women who did stand up against evil and stopped it.
Every Dad, husband, Mom, wife, - you need to hear what Col Grossman is saying. What if that was your son being attacked by this maniac? What would you of done- What if your wife was being attacked by this guy? Do you know what to do?
Dont be like those guys in this clip who did not do anything-
Evil cannot stand against good- it is that simple. They make a dent yes but good will always eventually triumph. Unless good men and women do nothing- then evil laughs and laughs as it does what it wants. Light will chase away darkness-
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