Thursday, December 18, 2014

When Good Men Do Nothing

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

I love this quote- I also realize that through the power of the internet one can find disagreement on whether or not Mr Burke was indeed the author of this quote. I don't really care about that because it still speaks volumes on the ever battle between good and evil. I would like to add a little twist of my own to this quote.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for a good man to do nothing.

One good man can and has always made the difference since Adam and Eve. One good man will inspire good men to take action. I get a good laugh out of the Texas Ranger motto "One Riot One Ranger." Love it! - again I don't know if that is officially a Texas Ranger motto that they have but I don't care. Throughout history you can read the true accounts of men and women who by their actions alone have stopped evil. Someone has to be the first one on the dance floor to get the dance started. 

"What can I do or how will I make a difference? "  A good man or women will sometimes have these thoughts. Eventually they will do something because they are good but sometimes they need a little  encouragement from other good men.  Most don't even think this way though because they are what they are- good men. They do what's right because they are good. When it is in their power to stand up against evil they do it without hesitation. They do in fact make a difference- one at a time. 

Evil exists in this world. Men and women who like evil exist in this word. They do and plan things that are bad, not good. We are not all the children of God, the Devil has offspring too. It is pretty simple when you come down to it.

Good vs Bad

Badmen try to come across as good men so that they can do harm to the good men, nothing new there. Back to the Ranger motto of One riot one Ranger, one good man is more powerful than many many badmen. That is just the way it is. Light one match in a cave and see how much darkness goes away. The light of a good man or women has the same effect on their world around them.

I was raised in the city of Chicago but now live in the country. Living amongst many many people when you are in the city causes one to develop a "hardening." You hear and see so much crapola that people do to each other that you get used to it and are not surprised when you hear about it on the news. Many good men have been injured or killed when they happen to be in a situation where they needed to help out a stranger. When others hear that they are very hesitant to lend a hand then. They don't want to get involved. Their self preservation shell starts to harden around them. They look the other way.

This is what evils wants. They want you to look the other way and not get involved.  I want to encourage good men and women everywhere to get involved. There are many good men and women who need just a little push to get going, to make a difference. Good men don't make the news or news papers. Rarely do you see a "feel good" story on TV as the powers that be like to focus on the negative evil in society.

A guy going to work everyday, raising his family and teaching his kids about whats good and what is not is making a huge difference. Evil will look at your kids and want them on  their team. They will influence them through many social means at their disposal. The internet, video games and most TV programs are their weapons. They advertise them as "very very good" to your kids and to the kids.. it's pretty cool. They have no concept what is happening to their minds and personality bit by bit. A vast majority of "adults" think that their is really nothing wrong with kids playing these video games. They ignore the evidence that is crying out to be heard. They will ask each other when a horrible crime is committed "How can that kid do that?" Well, they learned it bit by bit by bit.

Evil does not roam around saying "I'm evil, everyone follow me." They masquerade as being good to get people thinking that evil is good. It is like picking sides at a school yard football game, evil is wanting as many as possible on their side. Well---- now it's time for all good men and women to not let evil advance any further in this country.

I will not banter back and forth on how this country was formed and if indeed God has blessed us, He has. America is by far the greatest country on the planet- why?     Because.
Because God has indeed blessed us with Liberty and when there is Liberty there are many great side effects. The 5000 year leap is a great book and if one wishes to learn more of how the USA has impacted the world read it. Liberty is a great thing---

One person at a time- one family at a time- one neighborhood at a time.

Now is the time to stand up against evil. What are we waiting for?

Lt. Col Dave Grossman will be speaking at the  Owensboro Ky Convention Center

                                                         June 6th, 2015

This is one seminar that you dont want to miss! He explains so simply what is really happening in America and where we are going as a country. His Bullet Proof mind series has opened the eyes of many good man and women around the world.

I will be posting all of the details about this D Day seminar very soon-

                                              - When Good Men Do Nothing-

That is the name and theme of this seminar. This is for all good men and women.
Each and every person makes a difference in this country- good or bad. Think back on your life and recall how one person affected you greatly. Influenced you for good, a friend, teacher or relative. You be that person now to others in your life. Just like Jimmy Stewart in the great movie                            "It's A Wonderful Life."  He did not realize what a difference he truly made in his world around him. Sometimes good men do not realize that they always have an effect on their world around them too.

Be bold---- be courageous----

Dont be afraid by evil- stand up against evil because that is what good men do.

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