“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or
discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is
to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.”
Milan Kundera
“A person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours. Marley
taught me about living each day with unbridled exuberance and joy,
about seizing the moment and following your heart. He taught me to
appreciate the simple things-a walk in the woods, a fresh snowfall, a
nap in a shaft of winter sunlight. And as he grew old and achy, he
taught me about optimism in the face of adversity. Mostly, he taught me
about friendship and selflessness and, above all else, unwavering
John Grogan,
Marley and Me: Life and Love With the World's Worst Dog
“Man is the Reasoning Animal. Such is the claim. I think it is open to
dispute. Indeed, my experiments have proven to me that he is the
Unreasoning Animal... In truth, man is incurably foolish. Simple things
which other animals easily learn, he is incapable of learning. Among my
experiments was this. In an hour I taught a cat and a dog to be friends.
I put them in a cage. In another hour I taught them to be friends with a
rabbit. In the course of two days I was able to add a fox, a goose, a
squirrel and some doves. Finally a monkey. They lived together in peace;
even affectionately.
Next, in another cage I confined an Irish
Catholic from Tipperary, and as soon as he seemed tame I added a Scotch
Presbyterian from Aberdeen. Next a Turk from Constantinople; a Greek
Christian from Crete; an Armenian; a Methodist from the wilds of
Arkansas; a Buddhist from China; a Brahman from Benares. Finally, a
Salvation Army Colonel from Wapping. Then I stayed away for two whole
days. When I came back to note results, the cage of Higher Animals was
all right, but in the other there was but a chaos of gory odds and ends
of turbans and fezzes and plaids and bones and flesh--not a specimen
left alive. These Reasoning Animals had disagreed on a theological
detail and carried the matter to a Higher Court.”
Mark Twain,
Letters from the Earth: Uncensored Writings
“No matter how close we are to another person, few human relationships
are as free from strife, disagreement, and frustration as is the
relationship you have with a good dog. Few human beings give of
themselves to another as a dog gives of itself. I also suspect that we
cherish dogs because their unblemished souls make us wish - consciously
or unconsciously - that we were as innocent as they are, and make us
yearn for a place where innocence is universal and where the meanness,
the betrayals, and the cruelties of this world are unknown.”
Dean Koontz,
A Big Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog
“If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.”
Woodrow Wilson
“If you don't own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything
wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.”
Roger A. Caras
“Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car,
in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing
right in your ear.”
Dave Barry
“The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were
it not so common. Our Lord God has made His greatest gifts the
Martin Luther
“To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.”
Aldous Huxley
“Everything I know, I learned from dogs.”
Nora Roberts,
The Search
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
By Lt.Col. Dave Grossman, USA, ret.
Author of On Killing, and On Combat
The “Perfect Day” and our terrorist opponents’ possible plans for future attacks
I have been told (by those conducting interviews with captured enemy combatants) that when we ask them “What is coming next?” they sometimes refer to the “Perfect Day.” You cannot understand what they are talking about if you do not understand the historical reference.
The Sepoy Mutiny in India, in 1857, is an example of a Perfect Day. This was a spontaneous uprising by Muslims (and Hindus), with everyone giving the British their “best shot.” Nannies killed the kids, cooks poisoned the food, and shop owners murdered the British ladies as they came into the shop. And soldiers (sometimes complete units) killed their British officers and then used their weapons to attack the British.
The current politically correct term for the Sepoy Mutiny is “The First Indian Rebellion.” (You can look it up on Wikipedia, where the event has been completely PC filtered and revised.)
The First Indian Rebellion is, to them, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and the Alamo all rolled into one. And 99% of Westerners have never heard about it.
In their dreams and fond imaginations, this is what will happen across all of the “Crusader nations” who are in Afghanistan. Pick a day, and everyone gives it their best shot. If just one in 1,000 of the Islamic people in our nations answer the call to Jihad, it will still be thousands of attackers … Some will opt for a “John Muhammad/Malvo,” whacking people from the trunks of cars, others for a Virginia Tech lone gunman in the school. Others will attack school buses, nannies will kill the kids, clerks will kill customers, cooks (in the elementary school?) will poison the Kool-aid, etc., etc.
The enemy thinks big, and we (with wishful thinking compounded by ignorance of their history) keep thinking small. The goal of this Perfect Day, in addition to terror, is to make us imprison (intern) our Islamic populations (as we did to the Japanese in WWII), thus making this a “war against Islam” instead of the current war against terrorist groups and Islamist fundamentalists.
The idea of the Perfect Day goes way back in their culture. Look at the Book of Esther in the Bible. It takes place in Iran (ancient Persia), where the Jews are in captivity. Haman gets permission to kill all the Jews on a certain day. The whole book is about how they turned that around and killed all of Haman’s people on that day.
This is the terrorists’ dream. Our goal is to prevent it through careful study and understanding of their history and culture, assimilation (the French are an excellent example of what not to do in this area), and (most importantly) deterrence and detection, which is what I teach in my classes.
The enemy can be deterred! They fear one thing: They fear failure! They are not afraid to die; some of them want to die. But they desperately do not want to die for nothing! And our goal is to win a battle in the minds of millions of potential terrorists in our nation, who are asking the key questions: Can I succeed? Can I get a body count?
The key question we should ask is, Why don’t they do this to Israel? The answer isthat the terrorists would love to! But Israel is an armed society. The terrorist is largely deterred from this action by Israel’s level of preparation. Until we reach the level of armed citizenry represented by Israel (and the sooner the better!) we are very vulnerable to this kind of attack.
In particular, we can see that states like Illinois (the only state with absolutely no concealed carry for anyone, anyhow, ever), or California, Massachusetts, Hawaii and others (with very stringent and limited concealed-carry laws) are the most likely targets for this kind of attack.
The time may come when, like Israel, we need armed riders on every school bus and armed guards in every school and every day-care center. And the only way that we can do so is, like Israel, to depend on armed citizens and armed teachers to protect their children.
The millions of Americans who are buying guns are not foolish. I would submit that they are doing the one thing that individual citizens can do, and that is to arm themselves.
This is America. When faced with a threat, we don’t take away rights; we give you more rights! But with rights come responsibilities. We give you the right to purchase and carry weapons, and you have the responsibility to train with these weapons!
So, let me conclude with a series of quotes from national leaders who have been in similar circumstances.
“Cogito, ergo armatum sum: I think, therefore I am armed.”
Our forefathers knew that it is not enough to just have a weapon, it is also vital to be trained in the proper use of that weapon. In 1349, King Edward III of England told the citizens of London that their “skill of shooting” was being neglected, and he proclaimed that “every one of the said city, strong in body, at leisure times on holidays, use in their recreation bow and arrows, or pellets or bolts, and learn and exercise the art of shooting … that they do not, after any manner apply themselves to the throwing of … handball, football, cambuck, or cockfighting, nor suchlike vain plays which have nor profit in them.”
In 1457, King James II of Scotland banned the game of golf from the hills on which it was created. He argued that golf was a danger to national security as it distracted his soldiers from practicing their archery.
His grandson, James IV, a keen golfer, lifted the ban in 1502. Eleven years later, in the battle of Flodden against the English, Scotland suffered its worst ever military defeat.
Wall Street Journal, 18 Aug ’09
In 1636 a frustrated General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony unanimously passed an ordinance that said:
Whereas many complaints have been made to this Court, of the greatest neglect of all sorts of people of using the lawful and necessary means for their safety, especially in this time of so great danger from Indians, it is therefore ordered that no person shall travel above one mile from his dwelling without arms; upon pain of twelvepence for every default.
Being unarmed was considered negligent! Self protection was not just a personal responsibility, it was a duty to the community! And for over a century after the danger from hostile Indians was eliminated, there was no suggestion that this ordinance be repealed. A century and a half later, those people were the leaders of the armed rebellion that created the United States!
John Farnum
A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind.
Games played with the ball and others of that nature are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks.
Thomas Jefferson to his nephew Peter Carr,
August 19, 1785
Teddy Roosevelt said, while he was President, that:
We should establish shooting galleries in all the large public and military schools, should maintain national target ranges in different parts of the country, and should in every way encourage the formation of [shooting] clubs throughout all parts of the land… It is unfortunately true that the great body of our citizens shoot less and less as time goes on.
To meet this [challenge] we should encourage … practice … by every means in our power. Thus, and not otherwise, may we be able to assist in preserving the peace of the world. Fit to hold our own against the strong nations of the earth, our voice for peace will carry to the ends of the earth.
Unprepared and therefore unfit, we must sit dumb and helpless to defend ourselves, protect others, or preserve peace. The first step — … to avert war if possible, and to be fit for war if it should come — is to teach our men to shoot.
Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort.
President John F. Kennedy, 1961
– JFK Library
A golf course is a willful and deliberate misuse of a perfectly good rifle range!
Col. Jeff Cooper
Author of On Killing, and On Combat
The “Perfect Day” and our terrorist opponents’ possible plans for future attacks
I have been told (by those conducting interviews with captured enemy combatants) that when we ask them “What is coming next?” they sometimes refer to the “Perfect Day.” You cannot understand what they are talking about if you do not understand the historical reference.
The Sepoy Mutiny in India, in 1857, is an example of a Perfect Day. This was a spontaneous uprising by Muslims (and Hindus), with everyone giving the British their “best shot.” Nannies killed the kids, cooks poisoned the food, and shop owners murdered the British ladies as they came into the shop. And soldiers (sometimes complete units) killed their British officers and then used their weapons to attack the British.
The current politically correct term for the Sepoy Mutiny is “The First Indian Rebellion.” (You can look it up on Wikipedia, where the event has been completely PC filtered and revised.)
The First Indian Rebellion is, to them, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and the Alamo all rolled into one. And 99% of Westerners have never heard about it.
In their dreams and fond imaginations, this is what will happen across all of the “Crusader nations” who are in Afghanistan. Pick a day, and everyone gives it their best shot. If just one in 1,000 of the Islamic people in our nations answer the call to Jihad, it will still be thousands of attackers … Some will opt for a “John Muhammad/Malvo,” whacking people from the trunks of cars, others for a Virginia Tech lone gunman in the school. Others will attack school buses, nannies will kill the kids, clerks will kill customers, cooks (in the elementary school?) will poison the Kool-aid, etc., etc.
The enemy thinks big, and we (with wishful thinking compounded by ignorance of their history) keep thinking small. The goal of this Perfect Day, in addition to terror, is to make us imprison (intern) our Islamic populations (as we did to the Japanese in WWII), thus making this a “war against Islam” instead of the current war against terrorist groups and Islamist fundamentalists.
The idea of the Perfect Day goes way back in their culture. Look at the Book of Esther in the Bible. It takes place in Iran (ancient Persia), where the Jews are in captivity. Haman gets permission to kill all the Jews on a certain day. The whole book is about how they turned that around and killed all of Haman’s people on that day.
This is the terrorists’ dream. Our goal is to prevent it through careful study and understanding of their history and culture, assimilation (the French are an excellent example of what not to do in this area), and (most importantly) deterrence and detection, which is what I teach in my classes.
The enemy can be deterred! They fear one thing: They fear failure! They are not afraid to die; some of them want to die. But they desperately do not want to die for nothing! And our goal is to win a battle in the minds of millions of potential terrorists in our nation, who are asking the key questions: Can I succeed? Can I get a body count?
The key question we should ask is, Why don’t they do this to Israel? The answer isthat the terrorists would love to! But Israel is an armed society. The terrorist is largely deterred from this action by Israel’s level of preparation. Until we reach the level of armed citizenry represented by Israel (and the sooner the better!) we are very vulnerable to this kind of attack.
In particular, we can see that states like Illinois (the only state with absolutely no concealed carry for anyone, anyhow, ever), or California, Massachusetts, Hawaii and others (with very stringent and limited concealed-carry laws) are the most likely targets for this kind of attack.
The time may come when, like Israel, we need armed riders on every school bus and armed guards in every school and every day-care center. And the only way that we can do so is, like Israel, to depend on armed citizens and armed teachers to protect their children.
The millions of Americans who are buying guns are not foolish. I would submit that they are doing the one thing that individual citizens can do, and that is to arm themselves.
This is America. When faced with a threat, we don’t take away rights; we give you more rights! But with rights come responsibilities. We give you the right to purchase and carry weapons, and you have the responsibility to train with these weapons!
So, let me conclude with a series of quotes from national leaders who have been in similar circumstances.
“Cogito, ergo armatum sum: I think, therefore I am armed.”
Our forefathers knew that it is not enough to just have a weapon, it is also vital to be trained in the proper use of that weapon. In 1349, King Edward III of England told the citizens of London that their “skill of shooting” was being neglected, and he proclaimed that “every one of the said city, strong in body, at leisure times on holidays, use in their recreation bow and arrows, or pellets or bolts, and learn and exercise the art of shooting … that they do not, after any manner apply themselves to the throwing of … handball, football, cambuck, or cockfighting, nor suchlike vain plays which have nor profit in them.”
In 1457, King James II of Scotland banned the game of golf from the hills on which it was created. He argued that golf was a danger to national security as it distracted his soldiers from practicing their archery.
His grandson, James IV, a keen golfer, lifted the ban in 1502. Eleven years later, in the battle of Flodden against the English, Scotland suffered its worst ever military defeat.
Wall Street Journal, 18 Aug ’09
In 1636 a frustrated General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony unanimously passed an ordinance that said:
Whereas many complaints have been made to this Court, of the greatest neglect of all sorts of people of using the lawful and necessary means for their safety, especially in this time of so great danger from Indians, it is therefore ordered that no person shall travel above one mile from his dwelling without arms; upon pain of twelvepence for every default.
Being unarmed was considered negligent! Self protection was not just a personal responsibility, it was a duty to the community! And for over a century after the danger from hostile Indians was eliminated, there was no suggestion that this ordinance be repealed. A century and a half later, those people were the leaders of the armed rebellion that created the United States!
John Farnum
A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind.
Games played with the ball and others of that nature are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks.
Thomas Jefferson to his nephew Peter Carr,
August 19, 1785
Teddy Roosevelt said, while he was President, that:
We should establish shooting galleries in all the large public and military schools, should maintain national target ranges in different parts of the country, and should in every way encourage the formation of [shooting] clubs throughout all parts of the land… It is unfortunately true that the great body of our citizens shoot less and less as time goes on.
To meet this [challenge] we should encourage … practice … by every means in our power. Thus, and not otherwise, may we be able to assist in preserving the peace of the world. Fit to hold our own against the strong nations of the earth, our voice for peace will carry to the ends of the earth.
Unprepared and therefore unfit, we must sit dumb and helpless to defend ourselves, protect others, or preserve peace. The first step — … to avert war if possible, and to be fit for war if it should come — is to teach our men to shoot.
Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort.
President John F. Kennedy, 1961
– JFK Library
A golf course is a willful and deliberate misuse of a perfectly good rifle range!
Col. Jeff Cooper
Monday, December 22, 2014
June 6th- 2015
Owensboro, Kentucky Convention Center
Lt.Col Dave Grossman - "Bulletproof Mind"
When Good Men Do Nothing
Hosted by Liberty K9
I had the pleasure of hearing Col. Grossman speak a few years ago after I have read some of his books. "On Combat and On Killing"
Since then I have been telling many people to read his books, listen to what he has to say. After I have heard him speak he has been presenting his Bulletproof Mind series to Law enforcement and the average Joe citizen.
This seminar is for everyone. This is not a Republican, Democrat, pro gun , anti-gun, seminar. If you are an American and breathing- this seminar is for you.
If you have a family, this seminar is for you. If you are for guns this seminar is for you. If you are against guns this seminar is for you. Military or non military - yep
Below are some testimonies from folk who have attended one of his Bullet Proof Mind seminars.
From: The Desk of Tim Schmidt
Dear Fellow Armed Citizen,

“Here I am with my wife and three kids. These are the four reasons I carry.”
“Most of the people in our society are sheep.They
are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by
accident.” I mean nothing negative by calling them sheep. To me it is
like the pretty, blue robin’s egg. Inside it is soft and gooey but
someday it will grow into something wonderful. But the egg cannot survive without its hard blue shell.
Police officers, soldiers, and other warriors are like that shell, and
someday the civilization they protect will grow into something
wonderful. But they need warriors to protect them from the predators.

“Wolves feed on the sheep without mercy”
Then there are sheepdogs, and I’m a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf.
If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen, a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath, a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? What do you have then? A sheepdog, a warrior – someone who is walking the hero’s path – someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed.”
You Are A Sheepdog…

“A Sheepdog lives to protect the flock”
That doesn’t mean I’m out looking for a fight – no way! In fact, one of my favorite sayings is that “I carry to live; I don’t live to carry.” But if I’m going to carry a gun and be a “sheepdog”, you better believe I’m going to study and train to be the most effective sheepdog that I can be.
That’s why I worked hard to put together a special “once in a life-time,” closed-doors event in Wisconsin with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and 300 local USCCA Members.
After months of planning and tens of thousands of dollars invested, I knew it would be good. But I had no idea it would be this good…
STUNNED: I Sat Glued To My Seat,
Eyes Locked On The Stage…

Col. Dave Grossman is an internationally recognized scholar, author,
soldier, and speaker who is one of the world’s foremost experts in the
field of human aggression and the roots of violence and violent crime.”
I felt as though I had been transformed from being a “sheep-puppy” into a fully prepared sheepdog.
Dave’s presentation lasted an entire day. At times, there was laughter, there was crying (no joke), and many times there were standing ovations.
Between learning how to deal with school and mall shooters, learning how to deal with the effects on my own body during a violent encounter, and learning what to expect during a self-defense situation… I learned even more than I imagined possible.
The topics ranged from school shootings to psychological response to a violent encounter… but one of the most critical things Dave revealed was the importance of having a sense of urgency. After all, you and I both know sheep and sheepdogs. There are many sheep that are very important to us, and it’s going to require responsible individuals like you and me to protect ourselves AND those who are too weak to defend themselves – my children and other family members come to mind…
To make matters even more difficult, it only takes a moment for your life to be flipped upside down.
Without warning, you or I could become
the victim of a brutal attack…

Citizens will walk away from the Bulletproof Mind 5-Disc Set with a
new-found sense of mental preparedness that they’ve likely never
experienced.We all wonder what our bodies will go through when we are
forced to draw our guns, but unless you know the facts of how your body
WILL react to this type of stress, you’re liable to hesitate in that
moment of truth.”
After all, it isn’t only superheroes that change the world – it’s each and every concerned and responsible citizen.
This presentation is going to completely change your ability to control a violent situation. Unless you know what’s going to happen to your mind during a high stress encounter, you will not be ready to control the massively limiting reactions of your body.
We all wonder what our bodies will go through when we are forced to draw our guns, but unless you know the facts of how your body WILL react to this type of stress, you’re liable to hesitate in that moment of truth.”
If you want proof, just ask one of the attendees who was lucky enough to be in the audience that day. Dave’s powerful presentation was well-received by everyone who was there:
“My Family Is Safer Than Ever Before…”
“…Worth At Least 100 Times More Than The Event Tickets… Lt. Col. Dave Grossman taught us more in 10 minutes than what I expected to learn during the whole event. He succeeded at jam-packing over 30 years of experience into a single day, in a way I have never encountered before. Because of Dave and the USCCA, my family is safer than ever before…”
-USCCA Member
“This Seminar Made Me A Better Man, Husband, Father, And Citizen…”
“David Grossman presented challenging and poignant info…I became aware that Personal Preparedness is a must for every citizen that thinks of oneself as responsible, gun owning and committed to excellence. This seminar made me a better man, husband, father, and citizen… If not me, who? If not now… When?”
-USCCA Member
My brother and I attended the event and the information was very good and very eye-opening to what we will face in the future. The part about getting through to our kids at an early age to change the way we live is so true. My wife was amazed when I told her about the event. I would recommend this to EVERY American who cares about what we’re going through…
-USCCA Member
Here are just a few of the crucial topics that we learned about on that important day:








Sunday, December 21, 2014
June 6th 2015
Owensboro, Kentucky Conevention Center
When Good Men Do Nothing
Hosted by
Liberty K9
Bulletproof Mind for the Armed Citizen
Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman is a former West Point psychology professor, a
Pulitzer Prize nominated author, and a former US Army Ranger who has spent a
lifetime studying and teaching about the reality of combat. He is our nation’s most
successful and respected trainer of military, Special Forces and law enforcement;
on the road, almost 300 days a year training our nation’s “sheepdogs” a term that
he coined in his famous treatise on “The Sheep, the Wolf, and the Sheepdog.”
Now his dynamic, powerful and inspirational training is available to all citizens as
he teaches about the threats to our nation, internal, external and terrorist related,
and the role (as intended, under the Constitution) of armed American citizens in
answering these threats.
Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman is a former West Point psychology professor, a
Pulitzer Prize nominated author, and a former US Army Ranger who has spent a
lifetime studying and teaching about the reality of combat. He is our nation’s most
successful and respected trainer of military, Special Forces and law enforcement;
on the road, almost 300 days a year training our nation’s “sheepdogs” a term that
he coined in his famous treatise on “The Sheep, the Wolf, and the Sheepdog.”
Now his dynamic, powerful and inspirational training is available to all citizens as
he teaches about the threats to our nation, internal, external and terrorist related,
and the role (as intended, under the Constitution) of armed American citizens in
answering these threats.
Dave Grossman will clearly articulate the threats we face as a Nation and why
now, more than any other time in our History, citizens must safeguard and exercise
our 2nd Amendment Right. Every attendee will find this seminar SOBERING,
INSPIRATIONAL & MOTIVATING and will leave with a new found perspective
on the importance of protecting and maintaining our 2nd Amendment!
now, more than any other time in our History, citizens must safeguard and exercise
our 2nd Amendment Right. Every attendee will find this seminar SOBERING,
INSPIRATIONAL & MOTIVATING and will leave with a new found perspective
on the importance of protecting and maintaining our 2nd Amendment!
Here are just a few of the crucial topics discussed:
Terrorism, the "Perfect Day” & the threats to our schools
The "Israeli Model" of armed Citizen’s as our model
The world-wide explosion of violent crime and its impact
Media Violence
Video Game Violence
Serious Assaults
Surviving Gun Shot Wounds
Thou Shall Not Kill (?)
Survivor Guilt
Ethics for Warriors
Case studies in heroism
Terrorism, the "Perfect Day” & the threats to our schools
The "Israeli Model" of armed Citizen’s as our model
The world-wide explosion of violent crime and its impact
Media Violence
Video Game Violence
Serious Assaults
Surviving Gun Shot Wounds
Thou Shall Not Kill (?)
Survivor Guilt
Ethics for Warriors
Case studies in heroism
Here is what some USCCA members have said about Dave’s
powerful civilian presentation:
“My Family Is Safer Than Ever Before…”
“…Worth At Least 100 Times More Than The Event Tickets… Lt. Col. Dave
Grossman taught us more in 10 minutes than what I expected to learn during the
whole event. He succeeded at jam-packing over 30 years of experience into a
single day, in a way I have never encountered before. Because of Dave and the
USCCA, my family is safer than ever before…”
-USCCA Member
powerful civilian presentation:
“My Family Is Safer Than Ever Before…”
“…Worth At Least 100 Times More Than The Event Tickets… Lt. Col. Dave
Grossman taught us more in 10 minutes than what I expected to learn during the
whole event. He succeeded at jam-packing over 30 years of experience into a
single day, in a way I have never encountered before. Because of Dave and the
USCCA, my family is safer than ever before…”
-USCCA Member
“This Seminar Made Me A Better Man, Husband, Father, And Citizen…”
“David Grossman presented challenging and poignant info…I became aware that
Personal Preparedness is a must for every citizen that thinks of oneself as
responsible, gun owning and committed to excellence. This seminar made me a
better man, husband, father, and citizen… If not me, who? If not now … When?”
-USCCA Member
My brother and I attended the event and the information was very good and very
eye-opening to what we will face in the future. The part about getting through to
our kids at an early age to change the way we live is so true. My wife was amazed
when I told her about the event. I would recommend this to EVERY American
who cares about what we’re going through…
-USCCA Member
Invite your family, friends and co-workers and attend this
Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman seminar
Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman seminar
Dave Grossman’s seminar covers:
- The truth about the explosion of violence in America (Think things are getting better? Think again…)
- What it takes to be a warrior capable of stopping violent attackers
- The hidden truth about lethal combat
- How the body responds to a violent attack, and what you can do now to ensure your body responds the right way
- How to prepare your spouse for an attack
- The New Killer of the 21st Century, and why most people aren’t willing to talk about it
- Important drills that Nobody practices that would save countless lives
- Who is Teaching Our Kids To Kill? Find out now so YOU can put a stop to it
Please invite your family, friends and co-workers to attend this training seminar!
Saturday, December 20, 2014
June 6th- 2015 Owensboro Ky Convention Center-
When Good Men Do Nothing-
Lt. Col Dave Grossman
![]() |
Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman LT. COL. DAVE GROSSMAN, U.S. Army (Ret.) Director, Warrior Science Group, www.killology.com: Member, American Board for Certification in Homeland Security; Member, American College of Forensic Examiners Institute Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is an internationally recognized scholar, author, soldier, and speaker who is one of the world's foremost experts in the field of human aggression and the roots of violence and violent crime. |
Col. Grossman is a former West Point psychology professor, Professor of Military Science, and an Army Ranger who has combined his experiences to become the founder of a new field of scientific endeavor, which has been termed “killology.” In this new field Col. Grossman has made revolutionary new contributions to our understanding of killing in war, the psychological costs of war, the root causes of the current "virus" of violent crime that is raging around the world, and the process of healing the victims of violence, in war and peace.
He is the author of On Killing, has been translated into Japanese, Korean, and German; is on the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant's required reading list; and is required reading at the FBI academy and numerous other academies and colleges. Col. Grossman co-authored Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: A Call to Action Against TV, Movie and Video Game Violence, which has been translated into Norwegian and German, and has received international acclaim. Col. Grossman's most recent book, On Combat, has also placed on the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant's Required Reading List and has been translated into Japanese and Korean.
Grossman has been called upon to write the entry
on “Aggression and Violence” in the Oxford
Companion to American Military History, three
entries in the Academic
Press Encyclopedia of Violence and numerous entries
in scholarly journals, to include the Harvard
Journal of Law and Public Policy. He has presented papers before the national conventions of the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. |
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He helped train mental health professionals after the Jonesboro school shootings, and he was also involved in counseling or court cases in the aftermath of the Paducah, Springfield, Littleton, Virginia Tech, and Nickel Mines Amish school shootings.
He has been an expert witness and consultant in state and Federal courts, to include serving on the prosecution team in UNITED STATES vs. TIMOTHY MCVEIGH.
He has testified before U.S. Senate and Congressional committees and numerous state legislatures, and he and his research have been cited in a national address by the President of the United States.
Col. Grossman is an Airborne Ranger infantry officer, and a prior-service sergeant and paratrooper, with a total of over 23 years experience in leading U.S. soldiers worldwide. He retired from the Army in February 1998 and has devoted himself to teaching, writing, speaking, and research. Today he is the director of the Killology Research Group, and in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks he is on the road almost 300 days a year, training elite military and law enforcement organizations worldwide about the reality of combat.
View additional biographical details.
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You will not want to miss this seminar hosted by Liberty K9-
Below is some of the material that will be presented.
• The truth about the explosion of violence in America. Think things are getting better? Think again.
• What it takes to be a warrior capable of stopping multiple attackers and mass-murdering lunatics.
• The hidden truth about lethal combat.
• How the body responds to a violent attack, and what you can do now to ensure your body responds the right way.
• How to prepare your spouse for an attack.
• The new killer of the 21st century, and why most people aren’t willing to talk about it.
• Important drills that nobody practices that would save countless lives.
• Who is teaching our kids to kill? Find out now so you can put a stop to it!
Much more to come!!
Thursday, December 18, 2014
When Good Men Do Nothing
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
I love this quote- I also realize that through the power of the internet one can find disagreement on whether or not Mr Burke was indeed the author of this quote. I don't really care about that because it still speaks volumes on the ever battle between good and evil. I would like to add a little twist of my own to this quote.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for a good man to do nothing.
One good man can and has always made the difference since Adam and Eve. One good man will inspire good men to take action. I get a good laugh out of the Texas Ranger motto "One Riot One Ranger." Love it! - again I don't know if that is officially a Texas Ranger motto that they have but I don't care. Throughout history you can read the true accounts of men and women who by their actions alone have stopped evil. Someone has to be the first one on the dance floor to get the dance started.
"What can I do or how will I make a difference? " A good man or women will sometimes have these thoughts. Eventually they will do something because they are good but sometimes they need a little encouragement from other good men. Most don't even think this way though because they are what they are- good men. They do what's right because they are good. When it is in their power to stand up against evil they do it without hesitation. They do in fact make a difference- one at a time.
Evil exists in this world. Men and women who like evil exist in this word. They do and plan things that are bad, not good. We are not all the children of God, the Devil has offspring too. It is pretty simple when you come down to it.
Good vs Bad
Good vs Bad
Badmen try to come across as good men so that they can do harm to the good men, nothing new there. Back to the Ranger motto of One riot one Ranger, one good man is more powerful than many many badmen. That is just the way it is. Light one match in a cave and see how much darkness goes away. The light of a good man or women has the same effect on their world around them.
I was raised in the city of Chicago but now live in the country. Living amongst many many people when you are in the city causes one to develop a "hardening." You hear and see so much crapola that people do to each other that you get used to it and are not surprised when you hear about it on the news. Many good men have been injured or killed when they happen to be in a situation where they needed to help out a stranger. When others hear that they are very hesitant to lend a hand then. They don't want to get involved. Their self preservation shell starts to harden around them. They look the other way.
This is what evils wants. They want you to look the other way and not get involved. I want to encourage good men and women everywhere to get involved. There are many good men and women who need just a little push to get going, to make a difference. Good men don't make the news or news papers. Rarely do you see a "feel good" story on TV as the powers that be like to focus on the negative evil in society.
A guy going to work everyday, raising his family and teaching his kids about whats good and what is not is making a huge difference. Evil will look at your kids and want them on their team. They will influence them through many social means at their disposal. The internet, video games and most TV programs are their weapons. They advertise them as "very very good" to your kids and to the kids.. it's pretty cool. They have no concept what is happening to their minds and personality bit by bit. A vast majority of "adults" think that their is really nothing wrong with kids playing these video games. They ignore the evidence that is crying out to be heard. They will ask each other when a horrible crime is committed "How can that kid do that?" Well, they learned it bit by bit by bit.
Evil does not roam around saying "I'm evil, everyone follow me." They masquerade as being good to get people thinking that evil is good. It is like picking sides at a school yard football game, evil is wanting as many as possible on their side. Well---- now it's time for all good men and women to not let evil advance any further in this country.
I will not banter back and forth on how this country was formed and if indeed God has blessed us, He has. America is by far the greatest country on the planet- why? Because.
Because God has indeed blessed us with Liberty and when there is Liberty there are many great side effects. The 5000 year leap is a great book and if one wishes to learn more of how the USA has impacted the world read it. Liberty is a great thing---
One person at a time- one family at a time- one neighborhood at a time.
Now is the time to stand up against evil. What are we waiting for?
Lt. Col Dave Grossman will be speaking at the Owensboro Ky Convention Center
June 6th, 2015
This is one seminar that you dont want to miss! He explains so simply what is really happening in America and where we are going as a country. His Bullet Proof mind series has opened the eyes of many good man and women around the world.
I will be posting all of the details about this D Day seminar very soon-
- When Good Men Do Nothing-
That is the name and theme of this seminar. This is for all good men and women.
Each and every person makes a difference in this country- good or bad. Think back on your life and recall how one person affected you greatly. Influenced you for good, a friend, teacher or relative. You be that person now to others in your life. Just like Jimmy Stewart in the great movie "It's A Wonderful Life." He did not realize what a difference he truly made in his world around him. Sometimes good men do not realize that they always have an effect on their world around them too.
Be bold---- be courageous----
Dont be afraid by evil- stand up against evil because that is what good men do.
I was raised in the city of Chicago but now live in the country. Living amongst many many people when you are in the city causes one to develop a "hardening." You hear and see so much crapola that people do to each other that you get used to it and are not surprised when you hear about it on the news. Many good men have been injured or killed when they happen to be in a situation where they needed to help out a stranger. When others hear that they are very hesitant to lend a hand then. They don't want to get involved. Their self preservation shell starts to harden around them. They look the other way.
This is what evils wants. They want you to look the other way and not get involved. I want to encourage good men and women everywhere to get involved. There are many good men and women who need just a little push to get going, to make a difference. Good men don't make the news or news papers. Rarely do you see a "feel good" story on TV as the powers that be like to focus on the negative evil in society.
A guy going to work everyday, raising his family and teaching his kids about whats good and what is not is making a huge difference. Evil will look at your kids and want them on their team. They will influence them through many social means at their disposal. The internet, video games and most TV programs are their weapons. They advertise them as "very very good" to your kids and to the kids.. it's pretty cool. They have no concept what is happening to their minds and personality bit by bit. A vast majority of "adults" think that their is really nothing wrong with kids playing these video games. They ignore the evidence that is crying out to be heard. They will ask each other when a horrible crime is committed "How can that kid do that?" Well, they learned it bit by bit by bit.
Evil does not roam around saying "I'm evil, everyone follow me." They masquerade as being good to get people thinking that evil is good. It is like picking sides at a school yard football game, evil is wanting as many as possible on their side. Well---- now it's time for all good men and women to not let evil advance any further in this country.
I will not banter back and forth on how this country was formed and if indeed God has blessed us, He has. America is by far the greatest country on the planet- why? Because.
Because God has indeed blessed us with Liberty and when there is Liberty there are many great side effects. The 5000 year leap is a great book and if one wishes to learn more of how the USA has impacted the world read it. Liberty is a great thing---
One person at a time- one family at a time- one neighborhood at a time.
Now is the time to stand up against evil. What are we waiting for?
Lt. Col Dave Grossman will be speaking at the Owensboro Ky Convention Center
June 6th, 2015
This is one seminar that you dont want to miss! He explains so simply what is really happening in America and where we are going as a country. His Bullet Proof mind series has opened the eyes of many good man and women around the world.
I will be posting all of the details about this D Day seminar very soon-
- When Good Men Do Nothing-
That is the name and theme of this seminar. This is for all good men and women.
Each and every person makes a difference in this country- good or bad. Think back on your life and recall how one person affected you greatly. Influenced you for good, a friend, teacher or relative. You be that person now to others in your life. Just like Jimmy Stewart in the great movie "It's A Wonderful Life." He did not realize what a difference he truly made in his world around him. Sometimes good men do not realize that they always have an effect on their world around them too.
Be bold---- be courageous----
Dont be afraid by evil- stand up against evil because that is what good men do.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Learning What We Know-
Jasmine Autumn Gold- That is her name. She is a Belgian Malinois and was 10 weeks old at the time of this story. If you are even reading this blog then you are a dog person. I dont write because I am a writer- I write because it makes me think. No jokes now- "Then you should write more often. hahaha" It does, it causes me to think and focus on whatever it is that I am writing about. The person who set me up with this blog, now she is a writer. To me writing is all about forming pictures and thoughts in the readers mind. I good writer does that well and a gifted writer does that times 10!
12 weeks ago we were blessed with another great litter of Malinois pups. I enjoy so much watching them grow up and learn new things. They do it so quickly too. I was also blessed with the opportunity to train one of these pups full time. She has been my top priority and I have been taking her places and showing her all kinds of new stuff. Some things she was hesitant at first but soon no problem at all. I try to see the world from their perspective and their view point. Their heads are roughly 2 feet off the ground and they see a lot of legs and knee caps. I try my best to introduce her to my world.
In return she introduces me to her world. Everything that dogs do naturally is her world. Scenting and processing that scent is one great attribute that all dogs have. We dont teach them this God has put that in them. We dont teach them to bite, walk, run, jump, they do all of that naturally. We try and mesh their natural abilities into whatever job that we have for them. Their greatest gift is the gift of scent. How they take in their environment around them, process that information and react is mostly scent. You can pretend to be happy and in a good mood to me- my dog can smell you weather or not you are indeed happy.
Since I have been with Jasmine constantly Im getting to know her quite well. That is important for this story. It was evening time and I spent it with Jasmine down by our lake. Around dark, which is 500pm now in Kentucky I came up in our parking lot and took a walk on our road with Jasmine. When we got back to the parking lot I climbed up in my Kabota RTV, Jasmine followed and she sat in my lap. Very nice cool night out and a slight wind was hitting my face. We just sat there taking in the quiet and solitude as I live on a dead end road with no neighbors around.
All of a sudden about 175 yards in front of me I noticed two quick flashes of light from two flashlights. I knew instantly that there were two people walking in the wood line about 175 yards in front of us- probably meth heads coming back from there meth lab in the woods. I did not hear them or see them and I would not have even known that they were there had I not seen those lights. I only see them once, quickly and that was that.
About 5 seconds later Jasmine looking steadfastly in that direction starts a low belly growl like dogs do. "Urrrrrrrrrrrrrr" I knew instantly that she was indicating on Mr and Mrs Meth head walking in the woods. She growled for about 15 seconds constantly looking in that direction. Of course I took advantage of this situation and turned it into an awesome training scenario. I encouraged her with some very quiet "watch em's" She stopped growling- never barked- and I said again in a quiet but very very impressed and happy voice "Good watch em gooooood watch em!"
This was all genetics and natural and put there by God in this pup. The wind was blowing right at us and when she smelled their scent- she knew it was out-of-place. Typically when meth heads come back from a lab that is when the Camo Police come out and bring them to their new home in the county jail. They know this and I am sure their adrenaline is going quite well. They might even have the stuff on them. Either way they cannot hide their scent.
Here is my point. I know dogs have extraordinary scenting capabilities and this is really not that big of a deal to the dog as it is something that they do not even think about. Just like you walking or breathing or sleeping- you just do it without thinking about it. But to me this was one of my greatest dog moments. It is one thing knowing a parachute will float you safely to the ground and a whole different thing strapping it on your back and jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. Learning and knowing to me are very different. I knew all of this that I am telling you but when I have a 10 week old Mal pup sitting on my lap growling at two meth heads almost 200 yards away- I learned.
I learned a great lesson and was filled with such great confidence in Jasmine that I know she felt it too. She felt and smelled my great enthusiasm and excitement over this one little incident compliments of Mr and Mrs Meth Head. I could not of set up this scenario any better with trained professionals. This is also another great illustration of why we do not reward dogs here at Liberty K9 with food or a toy. My 110% sheer excitement and joy over this is exactly what Jasmine needed and is so much better for her and us.
I dont know where Mr and Mrs Meth head are or if they will be back. I do know that I learned what I already knew. Knowing and learning equals experience.
Chance favors a dedicated person. I learned what I knew.
I know that this is no big deal at all for a lot of dog people and those with no dogs are like- "Whatever-" To me though it was such an awesome moment. How dogs scent fascinates me and I had a great WOW moment.
It also made me take notice on how many other things that our dogs do that we dont take notice of or fully appreciate. If I had not seen those lights I would not of known what she was growling about. I would of thought this or that but probably not two people walking in the dark in the woods where there should not be anyone. So when you dont understand your dogs behavior or why they are doing something, look again- closely. You just might learn something.
Yea- dogs are awesome.
12 weeks ago we were blessed with another great litter of Malinois pups. I enjoy so much watching them grow up and learn new things. They do it so quickly too. I was also blessed with the opportunity to train one of these pups full time. She has been my top priority and I have been taking her places and showing her all kinds of new stuff. Some things she was hesitant at first but soon no problem at all. I try to see the world from their perspective and their view point. Their heads are roughly 2 feet off the ground and they see a lot of legs and knee caps. I try my best to introduce her to my world.
In return she introduces me to her world. Everything that dogs do naturally is her world. Scenting and processing that scent is one great attribute that all dogs have. We dont teach them this God has put that in them. We dont teach them to bite, walk, run, jump, they do all of that naturally. We try and mesh their natural abilities into whatever job that we have for them. Their greatest gift is the gift of scent. How they take in their environment around them, process that information and react is mostly scent. You can pretend to be happy and in a good mood to me- my dog can smell you weather or not you are indeed happy.
Since I have been with Jasmine constantly Im getting to know her quite well. That is important for this story. It was evening time and I spent it with Jasmine down by our lake. Around dark, which is 500pm now in Kentucky I came up in our parking lot and took a walk on our road with Jasmine. When we got back to the parking lot I climbed up in my Kabota RTV, Jasmine followed and she sat in my lap. Very nice cool night out and a slight wind was hitting my face. We just sat there taking in the quiet and solitude as I live on a dead end road with no neighbors around.
All of a sudden about 175 yards in front of me I noticed two quick flashes of light from two flashlights. I knew instantly that there were two people walking in the wood line about 175 yards in front of us- probably meth heads coming back from there meth lab in the woods. I did not hear them or see them and I would not have even known that they were there had I not seen those lights. I only see them once, quickly and that was that.
About 5 seconds later Jasmine looking steadfastly in that direction starts a low belly growl like dogs do. "Urrrrrrrrrrrrrr" I knew instantly that she was indicating on Mr and Mrs Meth head walking in the woods. She growled for about 15 seconds constantly looking in that direction. Of course I took advantage of this situation and turned it into an awesome training scenario. I encouraged her with some very quiet "watch em's" She stopped growling- never barked- and I said again in a quiet but very very impressed and happy voice "Good watch em gooooood watch em!"
This was all genetics and natural and put there by God in this pup. The wind was blowing right at us and when she smelled their scent- she knew it was out-of-place. Typically when meth heads come back from a lab that is when the Camo Police come out and bring them to their new home in the county jail. They know this and I am sure their adrenaline is going quite well. They might even have the stuff on them. Either way they cannot hide their scent.
Here is my point. I know dogs have extraordinary scenting capabilities and this is really not that big of a deal to the dog as it is something that they do not even think about. Just like you walking or breathing or sleeping- you just do it without thinking about it. But to me this was one of my greatest dog moments. It is one thing knowing a parachute will float you safely to the ground and a whole different thing strapping it on your back and jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. Learning and knowing to me are very different. I knew all of this that I am telling you but when I have a 10 week old Mal pup sitting on my lap growling at two meth heads almost 200 yards away- I learned.
I learned a great lesson and was filled with such great confidence in Jasmine that I know she felt it too. She felt and smelled my great enthusiasm and excitement over this one little incident compliments of Mr and Mrs Meth Head. I could not of set up this scenario any better with trained professionals. This is also another great illustration of why we do not reward dogs here at Liberty K9 with food or a toy. My 110% sheer excitement and joy over this is exactly what Jasmine needed and is so much better for her and us.
I dont know where Mr and Mrs Meth head are or if they will be back. I do know that I learned what I already knew. Knowing and learning equals experience.
Chance favors a dedicated person. I learned what I knew.
I know that this is no big deal at all for a lot of dog people and those with no dogs are like- "Whatever-" To me though it was such an awesome moment. How dogs scent fascinates me and I had a great WOW moment.
It also made me take notice on how many other things that our dogs do that we dont take notice of or fully appreciate. If I had not seen those lights I would not of known what she was growling about. I would of thought this or that but probably not two people walking in the dark in the woods where there should not be anyone. So when you dont understand your dogs behavior or why they are doing something, look again- closely. You just might learn something.
Yea- dogs are awesome.
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